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Friday, December 5, 2008

Super Double Deal!

I made it over to K-Mart tonight. They were out of some of the things I wanted but I still saved--BIG TIME. I grabbed 2 boxes of rice krispies and on the boxes were coupons for $1.00 off of any brand and size bag of marshmallows. (Remember previous post? everywhere...) So after the sale prices and double coupons, here's what I got for $3.45!!!!

Rice Krispies = $0.50 each, Biz = $1.99, Marshmallows = FREE! I'm adding this trip to my smart shopping "Show Off" savings. (Click HERE) I think this trip is definitely worth showing off. Do you have any show off trips on current sales you'd like to share? Email me the info with a picture. Be sure to include the date, the name of the store where you shopped and a breakdown of your transaction. I'll post the best show offs on my blog each week.

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