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Monday, December 8, 2008

Expired Coupons

Ever wonder if there was something you could do with your expired coupons instead of throwing them away? Probably not. I've been doing a little research and found a good use for them. Did you know that Military families can use expired manufacturers coupons for up to 6 months after the expiration date? When they are stationed out of the U.S. they don't have access to coupons like we do and rely totally on donated coupons mailed to them. I'm still learning as much as I can because I'd love to mail mine to a family who really needs to save money. Imagine if we didn't have our inserts that are stuffed full of coupons. Sad! If you are interested in donating your expired coupons to Military families do a little searching on the Internet. One website with lots of info and worth a look is It's another good way to use coupons and a great opportunity to support our Troops & their families.

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