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Friday, March 20, 2009

Some of My Shopping "Rules"

I have some funny "rules" when I shop. It's basically how much I'm willing to pay for items I want or need. I have put a price limit of what I'll spend on certain items and do so with the help of my Grocery Smarts lists, sales, & coupons. Here are a few:
I never pay more than $1.00 for:
toothpaste/toothbrushes, (usually $0.50 & under or FREE) soup, cake mixes/frosting, pasta, mustard, hand soap, Quaker Quakes, frozen veggies
I never pay more than $1.25 for:
cereal (usually it's under $1), granola bars, fruit snacks, Chex mix, cream cheese, dish soap, plastic food storage bags (Ziploc or Hefty), Goldfish crackers
I never pay more than $1.50 for:
household cleaners, applesauce, Q-tips, syrup, Electrosol, mac & cheese
I never pay more than $1.99lb for:
boneless skinless chicken breast, ground beef, pork chops, roast
I never pay more than $2.00 for:
shredded cheese, tortillas, chocolate chips, razors, deoderant, Cottonelle wipes, Excederin, NyQuil, Lean Pockets, Doritos
I never pay more than $3.00 for:
Diet Coke (12 pack), Tostitos
Do you have crazy shopping "rules" like me? I'd love to hear about them. Leave me a comment or send me an email and tell me what you are spending "limits" are.


Susy said...

I like your list. I'm going to print it out and keep it in my records as a reference.
I just started a couple months ago so now that I have a little stockpile there are a few things I don't like to pay more than a certain amount.
No more than:
$1 for shampoo
$.25 for toothpaste
$1.25 for cereal

Stacie said...

Great! Sounds like you are up and running. I like the $0.25 for toothpaste. I love when I it costs me that or even better...when it's FREE!