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Friday, November 21, 2008

I Love Target

O.K. Here's my confession. I am and have always been a Target Girl. That is, I LOVE TARGET! I was thrilled in July 2008 when a new one opened near me in Henderson. This place rocks. It's huge, new, clean and...has an expanded (large) grocery section. The shopping carts alone are worth the trip. You've gotta take a little spin around the store with one. So cool! My favorite time to go there is somewhere between 8:00p.m - 10:00p.m. I head to the Food Avenue to get my REFILLABLE diet coke and start cruising, always starting at the killer dollar section. The store is quiet and almost empty...ahhh my happy place. BUT--since becoming a Smart Shopper I have spent much less time and money at Target. There are still good deals there and has printable store coupons that you can combine with Manufacturers Coupons and get serious discounts. (Especially when it's a clearance item) So I must dedicate some of this blog space to my beloved Target. I'll let you know the sale prices I'm excited about each week.

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