Tuesday, December 30, 2008
No Insert Reminder & 2 Red Plums!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Walgreens Trip
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Food 4 Less...Who Knew?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
No Coupon Inserts Today
Friday, December 19, 2008
Albertsons & Smiths Deals
My next trip will be to Smiths for: 5lb bag of Russet potatoes $1.29, Philadelphia cream cheese 8oz $1.00, Kroger frozen pie shells 2 pack $1.00.
I will probably hit either Albertsons or Smiths again for another ham so I'll have an extra in the freezer.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What's In Your Pantry?
Here's what I made:
The ingredients I used from my pantry:
1 pkg Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix $0.75 - Albertsons current sale
1 cup Nestle Butterscotch Morsels (bag)$1.25 - Vons sale 11/10/08
1 cup Hershey's Milk Chocolate Chips (bag)$0.70 - Albertsons sale 10/08
1 Egg -$0.99 (dozen) - Smiths sale 12/08/08
1 can sweetened condensed milk $1.05 - Smiths sale 11/09/08
1 cup flaked coconut (bag) $? - unknown sale - already had in pantry
(I didn't use walnuts)
Not only did I use things I had on hand, I was able to make a delicious treat for around $3.25. How great is that during Holiday Baking time?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Have You Been to Vons?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
This Week at Target...
If you need crackers, cookies or snacky food let me tell you about my shopping trip to Target this week. They have a promotion going now for various Keebler crackers & snacks. They are all on sale (prices vary) and if you buy 5 you get a $5.00 Target Gift Card. I had coupons from a booklet I picked up @ Albertsons awhile back and also from 12/14 RedPlum. Here's what I bought:
- 3.00 Mnfcpn
- 5.00 Target gift card
- 5.00 Target gift card
= 10.88 total or $1.08 each item!
You don't have to separate the transactions to get multiple gift cards. You could, and then use your $5.00 gift card to pay for the next transaction of Keebler snacks and earn another $5.00. Whatever works for you, it's still a great deal. The sale ends Sat 12/13/08.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Time to Roll...at Walgreens
Basically I paid $0.70 for each item! 12 packs of Diet Coke for what??? This is definitely a Show Off shopping trip. You can get great deals at Walgreens & CVS by using the Grocery Smarts lists. I also offer tutoring in advance couponing as a class incentive. For more info check out my previous post by clicking HERE.
P&G Coupon Booklet by Mail
Monday, December 8, 2008
Expired Coupons
Friday, December 5, 2008
Alphabetical Coupon Index

AWESOME, HUH? This list will be updated weekly with new coupons and expired ones will be pulled out.
Super Double Deal!
Rice Krispies = $0.50 each, Biz = $1.99, Marshmallows = FREE! I'm adding this trip to my smart shopping "Show Off" savings. (Click HERE) I think this trip is definitely worth showing off. Do you have any show off trips on current sales you'd like to share? Email me the info with a picture. Be sure to include the date, the name of the store where you shopped and a breakdown of your transaction. I'll post the best show offs on my blog each week.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
8 Hour Sales
Smiths dozen large eggs $0.99
Kroger semi-sweet baking chips 6 oz $0.50 (I hope the mini chips are included)
These deals are only good today from 3pm to 11pm. Albertsons 8 hour is today from 1pm to 9pm. I'm interested in:
Kellogg's cereal (corn pops, corn flakes, froot loops, raisin bran) $1.50 use $1/1 coupon corn pops or froot loops RP 11/9 = $0.50!
Tostitos Chips 2/$3.00 limit 2
Albertsons shredded cheese 3/$5.00 ($1.66 each)
So if you were planning on shopping today be sure to check out the 8 hour deals.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Coupons Everywhere!
***Update on double coupons***
"I'm just trying to clarify your Double Coupon policy. I'm in Henderson, NV and the sale ad states that K-Mart will double coupons up to and including $2.00. But the management at the store said $2.00 coupons would not be doubled to $4.00 but to $3.99 then retracted and said $2.00 coupons would not be doubled at all. Could you please tell me which policy is correct. From my understandingof the K-Mart sale ad the $2.00 coupons were including in the doubling and should be worth $4.00. Thank you for your help and for having the double coupon event."
This is the email I got back today:
Dear Stacie,
Thank you for contacting Kmart regarding the Kmart Double Coupon Event. We appreciate your interest in this promotion.The current event is 11/30/08-12/06/08 and includes all Kmart stores.Up to and including $2.00 value. Amount of credit from doubling a couponcannot exceed the retail price of the item. Only one coupon can be doubled per item. A limit of up to and including 4 coupons on 4 identical items including varieties may be credited per customer per day. Other coupons for the same item will be redeemed at face value. No cash or in-store purchase credit will be awarded for double coupon amounts above the retail price of an item. Limit 75 total coupons per customer per day. Offer excludes products prohibited by law. Not valid toward previous purchase. In the event of a return, coupon savings may be deducted from refund may not be used in combination with any other offer. Not valid for online purchases. Prices effective only at select stores. Coupons will not be doubled for non-merchandise items, concessions, federal or state regulated items, and prior purchases. Kmart reserves the right to modify or cancel this program at any time.Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate your business and value you as a Sears Holdings customer. We certainly hope you will continue to make Sears Holdings your choice for quality and value.Sincerely, Brooke G. National Customer RelationsSears Holdings Corporation
Re: Double Coupons (KMM2289768I15977L0KM)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008 12:52 PM
From: "Kmart Help" help@customerservice.kmart.com
Now we have official word from K-Mart! Whew.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Be Careful
Monday, December 1, 2008
Super K-Mart Double Coupon Deals
- Lipton/Knorr rice or pasta side dishes $1.00 (.75/2 Lipton/Knorr side dishes RP 11/16) = $0.25 each!
- Lysol spray $2.66 ($1/1 Lysol disinfectant spray SS 11/09) = $0.66!
- Ziploc 2-5-ct food containers $2.50 ($1.50/2 Ziploc food containers SS 10/12, SS 11/2) = $1.00 each
I know there are more but I can't post them until I verify the coupon amounts and where they are located. Of course I'll share the info with you as soon as I have it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Coupons - NO. Sale Ads - YES!
Sad sad day for us Smart Shoppers. There was no coupon insert in the paper today but...there were sale ads and one that caught my eye was the K-Mart DOUBLE COUPON ad! Make sure you read the restrictions printed at the bottom front page of the ad. (like no internet coupons) Basically K-Mart will double your coupon amount up to and including $2.00 this week 11/30/08 - 12/06/08. For example:
$1.00 coupon = $2.00
$2.00 coupon = $4.00
Here's a couple of K-Mart deals I'm excited about:
- Gillette Body Wash $4.00 ($2/1 Gillette Body Wash P&G 11/30)=FREE!
- Kellogg's 9-20oz selected cereals $2.50 ($1/1 Kellogg's cereal listed on coupon RP 11/9)=$0.50
I'm also going to check and see if there are other items on sale at Super K-Mart that aren't in the sale ad. If I see any deals too good to pass up I'll post them.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Show Off!
Smith's 11/09/08 Total bill: $115.70 Spent: $38.48 Saved: $77.22 (67%)
You wanna show off too? I'd love to hear about your shopping trips. Email me a picture of the items you purchased with a breakdown of your transaction (date, store where you shopped, total bill amount, savings/coupon amount, what you spent out of pocket) and I'll post the best show offs on my blog.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saving Without Coupons
Using Grocery Smarts can save you money even if you don't have coupons. You'll find that when you start saving your inserts it takes time to get your coupon stash built up and sometimes there are items on sale with no coupons available for them. My shopping trip today was a perfect example. I prepared my shopping list for Smith's with the Grocery Smarts website. There were quite a few 4 or 5 star items on sale for $1.00 that I needed but didn't have coupons for.
- Total bill: $102.52
- Fresh Values Savings $51.31
- Manf. Coupons $7.02
- Total OOP $44.01
- That's a total savings of $58.51 or 57%.
I even bought a 16-20 pound turkey and 2lbs ground beef. I also had a $30.00 gift certificate which I used on this transaction so I actually only paid $14.01. This was good savings without many coupons. So while you're busy adding coupons to your collection you can use the Grocery Smarts website and know you're getting a good deal.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Coupon Insert Schedule
November 23rd: SS
November 30th: No Issue
December 7th: SS, RP, PG
December 14th: SS, RP
December 21st: No Issue
December 28th: No Issue
NOT excited about those 3 no issue days, but hopefully we'll have some smokin' hot sales to make up for it.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Get to Class!
For hostesses: Schedule a class and have 8 or more new people attend, you receive a $20 gift card to Albertsons or Smiths. If 12 or more new people attend you receive the gift card and a personal tutoring session with me in advanced couponing for you & 1 friend. Attending a class is the best way to learn about Grocery Smarts and how to use the free website. Let's get you going right away. Call or email me for more info.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Watch Grocery Smarts on TV!
Segment 1 (Mandi's Interview): Mon Nov. 24
Morning News - 5 to 7am
Noon News - 11 to noon
Segment 2 (Shopping with Michelle): Tues Nov 25
Morning News - 5 to 7amNoon News - 11 to noon
We are really excited for you to check it out!
I Love Target
Let Me Explain
If you are new to shopping smart, this is the best place to begin...How do I shop smart? It is so easy! I use a free website service that helps me plan my weekly shopping list. Then, I get coupon inserts from the Sunday paper (1 for each person in my family, I get 4). And, by combining the online shopping lists with the coupons, I save hundreds of dollars each month on my groceries! Four papers seems like a lot, but don't worry... at my classes I teach you how to cut your grocery bill in half AND can also hook you up with a sweet deal on the Review Journal! Continue reading or check out my "FAQ's" post to learn more. Did you already attend a class? So, you just attended my Coupon Class and you're pumped up to save and are excited to get started! This blog is a good way for me to stay connected with you, give ongoing support and post ideas to keep you as motivated next month as you are today.
Where do you go from here?First things first... you need to get over to the Grocery Smarts website and print off a shopping list! If you just started a newspaper subscription to get the coupons, you'll have to be patient for the first few weeks while your collection of coupons grows. Each Sunday you'll get more inserts and each week you'll find yourself saving more. Within about a month to six weeks, you will have a nice pile of inserts to pull coupons from and will start noticing a real difference on what you spend at the store.
Then, over the course of the next few months, you'll notice your panty will start filling up. Your drawers will start filling up and every spare spot you have on a shelf or in a cupboard will be filled with the food and products your family consumes each day. You will love how much you are saving and that you have a nice stash of family supplies and food storage that builds each week. It'll be so satisfying to know you did it for less, much less!
So, bookmark my blog and check back often for info, tips and to see what I buy each week from the lists. By seeing my scenerios, it'll help give you ideas on how you can better use the list to maximize your savings. Welcome aboard!
So here's the long and short of it... At the class, as I teach you the concept of shopping smart and show you how you can use the website to save money at the store. And, because having the right amount of coupons (1 set for each person in your household) is such a key part of saving big, it makes sense for me to hook you up with the papers you need at the class. I offer the Review Journal at amazing prices to anyone not currently taking the paper, plus can get you up to 4 more additional Sunday papers delivered to your door for less than a buck a week! And that's why the class is free... I make money based on how many new subscriptions I turn into the Review Journal. So, I guess we can all thank them for stepping up, getting involved and helping Grocery Smarts keep the classes and website FREE for everyone!